1 Year of Art: Our Community's Artistic Growth in 2021

1 Year of Art: Our Community's Artistic Growth in 2021

It's that time of the year again- our little tradition to take a step back at the end of the year and appreciate how far we've all come as artists. 

When we announced our Artistic Growth Giveaway, we asked you to share how much you have grown as an artist this 2021. We were absolutely blown away by your talents and inspiring stories! 

Below, we celebrate our biggest inspiration- YOU! Let's begin! 

Day 1: Jes Reger Davis


This year, Jes had a blast painting because she explored new mediums, played with new colour combinations, and started a sketchbook practice! Such an exciting year, indeed! 

"Usually I look for how I’ve improved; instead, I’m looking at how much fun I’ve had painting this past year. I’ve explored new mediums, played with new color combinations, and *finally* started a sketchbook practice." 

Day 2: Bri Widmer


Bri shared that she focused on using up her current art supplies! It is very admirable how she was able to avoid buying new ones despite all of the temptations!⠀Good on you, Bri! 

"I've been exploring limited color palettes and really getting to know and love my paints, sketchbooks, and brushes. It's been a great experience." 

Day 3: Rebecca Isjwara


Her year started with an anime background study boot camp! With the support of her instructor and all her classmates, her art has indeed come a long way!

Coincidentally, she used Etchr sketchbooks for both of these pieces! The first picture using our Hot Press Etchr Sketchbook, and the second using The Perfect Sketchbook Signature Series (Hot Press) 

"It has been so rewarding to focus on my art this year, especially since I only took the leap in 2020. It does take a lot of discipline and focus, but I'm so much more in love with art now." 

Day 4: Ari Cohen


Ari first discovered that she could paint when the pandemic hit. She tried watercolour, but fell in love with gouache soon after.â €

Like many of us, she didn’t feel comfortable calling herself an artist at first, but she now believes in herself more after finding joy in the process and seeing her progress! We are with you, Ari! You are an artist! 🧡⠀

"Looking at the work I’ve done over the last year, I think I am an artist and more importantly, finding joy in the process and being present has been my 2021 lesson."

Day 5: April Grace Tan-Dy


April reminded us that it doesn’t matter how many tutorials you view, nothing beats picking up a paintbrush and just going for it! She learned a lot this year, but the most important lesson was to keep an open mind and trust yourself in your art journey.

"For me painting is exhilarating, an active exploration of how far my brush, paint, and paper would take me." 

Day 6: Val Phang


Val reminded us that the most important thing towards progress is taking the first step! After seeing her artistic growth, we couldn't be more proud! 

"Finally took the 1st step this year, because if not now, then when? Had so much fun in the process and I've learnt to just go with the flow and let the stroke present itself, which may end up as a beautiful whisker or fur!" â €

Day 7: Bonita Balster-Hendriks


At the start of the year, Bonita wasn’t sure if watercolour was for her because of her love for tiny details. She thought it was impossible to achieve it with watercolour. ⠀

Luckily, she learned to have faith in herself and just dive right into it. She is now more excited than ever to explore the medium! 

"I’ve learned this year in my art journey is to have faith in myself and just go for it - dive full into a new medium and techniques (while following classes), instead of staying away of them out of fear." 

Day 8: Ray Kimbrough


This year in particular was full of experiments and challenges for Ray because he got to try a number of mediums and rediscovered his love for ink.

"Overall, 2021 was a good year in my art journey and I look forward to what 2022 brings."

Day 9: Cindy


Cindy inspired us because one of her New Year's resolutions last year was to improve her art. As you can see from her photos, she did a marvellous job! â €

"I had extended my patience and I had confidence in myself that I can do it. And so I was able to do it. Practice is indeed the first step to create progress." 

Day 10: Lucy Locks


Like many of us, Lucy used to use watercolours like acrylic paint by applying them so thick. Thankfully, she found the perfect water-paint ratio and it truly shows in her art progress. We are so proud of her! 

"Now after a year I’ve FINALLY learnt to use them in thin layers and I’m pretty pleased"

What art lessons can YOU share with us? 

Please share them with us in the comment section below, we'd love to learn from you as well! 

Thank you for joining us for this special celebration and cheers to another artful year! 

The contest may be over, but we'd still love to see your beautiful artwork! If you've been using our gear, post them on Instagram and tag us with #etchr for a chance to with $50 off our entire website! 

Happy New Year, everyone! Here's to a prosperous and artful 2022! 

With Love, 

All the llamas here at Etchr 

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