E81 :: Cathrin Gressieker & the Symphony of Yoga and Art

E81 :: Cathrin Gressieker & the Symphony of Yoga and Art

This week we’re talking with our friend, Cathrin Gressieker. Her day job is as a pattern designer; yes, it’s a real thing. She’s also a yoga teacher, which explains how she bent the world around her to a sweet spot, perfectly combining her passions. You won’t believe the choices she’s made, the detours she faced, or the lightbulb moments she’s had.

In this week’s episode, we talked about: 

  • The best-kept secret of creativity
  • The process of creating patterns
  • Converting traditional art to digital art
  • Resources for getting your art published
  • Releasing yourself from the discouraging grips of your inner critic

          Listen to Cathrin's interview:

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