E59 :: Kimberli Johnson & How to Create Authentic Art

E59 :: Kimberli Johnson & How to Create Authentic Art

Kimberli was a child diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Getting her to focus wasn’t an easy task, until art came along. Learning became fun, and improving was quickly part of the game that was art making.

From messy handwriting to beautiful line-art, Kimberli’s watercolours became a reference in the art world.

Join us today as we discuss:

  • Using art to lessen dyslexia;
  • How to use comparison to measure your growth;
  • Ways to remove the pressure from making art;
  • Dealing with confidence issues;
  • Tips on how to improve your line drawing!

>> Set a reminder for Kimberli's Live Demo on June 18th!

    Listen to Kimberli's interview:

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    >> Watch on Youtube to see Kimberli and Ânia (and Kimberli's cat!)



      What was your favourite subject as a kid?

      Kimberli looooved drawing horses. Surprisingly enough, me too! What about yourself? 

      Let us know you in the comments section below!

      - Ânia

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