E58 :: Maylee & How to Get Better at Art Without Losing Inspiration

E58 :: Maylee & How to Get Better at Art Without Losing Inspiration

Maylee always loved art. However, due to lack of encouragement and motivation, she dropped out of art school to pursue other things.

Now, she’s back and hasn’t stopped creating art pretty much every day for the past 5 years!

Join us today as we discuss:

  • How to find inspiration for your art;
  • Getting over the comparison anxiety;
  • Overcoming the ugly stage in a painting!

>> Set a reminder for Maylee's Live Demo on June 17th!

    Listen to Maylee's interview:

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    >> Watch on Youtube to see Maylee and Ânia!



      How do you stay inspired?

      Let us know you stories, tips and tricks in the comments section below!

      - Ânia

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