E79 :: Renata Tot Ivezic & Art as a Way of Life

E79 :: Renata Tot Ivezic & Art as a Way of Life

What was a major life decision you made because of art? Our guest, Renata, had a full-time job as a lawyer, but her passion for creating art changed the course of her life and led her to a choice that made her the artist she is today. Keen to find out more about her story?

Tune in as we talk about :

  • The decision process for going full time in art
  • Finding your art style and why copying is necessary 
  • Three common misconceptions in watercolour
  • Getting a good finish for expressive painting
  • Showing up for the community and building connections
  • Letting go of perfection
  • Creating something for yourself

          Listen to Renata's interview:

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